Thursday, December 26, 2019
Negotiation And The Gender Divide - 1768 Words
Carmen Peton Dr. McClintock-Comeaux WST 200 – W01 November 23, 2016 Women Don t Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever Women Don t Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide is an informational book great for males and females. This book is overflowing with statistics and studies done on men and women, and how gender influences whether or not they negotiate. It provides real life examples of negotiation differences between the genders. The authors also give solutions, and tries to push women to start asking for what they want and need. Women today are expected to play so many different roles than in the past. Women are now bosses, coworkers, wives, and mothers, taking part in the work force more than ever before. Many women also have to support their family alone due to the 40-50 percent divorce rate. (Babcock, Linda, and Sara Laschever. Preface. Women Don t Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide. Princeton, 2003. IX-XIII. Print.) While Linda Babcock was the director of the Ph.D. program at her school, she was approached by a group of concerned female graduate students. They explained that the male graduate students were teaching their own courses, while the female students were assigned as teaching assistants to other professors. When Babcock questioned the dean who dealt with the teaching assignments, the dean replied, More men ask. The women just don t ask. This inspired Babcock to conduct a study on the starting salaries ofShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Gender And Career Choice978 Words  | 4 PagesSHARMA STUDENT ID: 1687816 PRATICAL: 9 DRAFT: 1 APRIL 11, 2015 RESEARCH ESSAY (THE ROLE OF GENDER IN CAREER CHOICE) THE ROLE OF GENDER IN CARRIER CHOICE Career choice is the selection of path by males or females in order to gain success in their life.The selection of a profession is often done by parental guidance, vocational counselling and training opportunities. 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