Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The types and impact of white collar crimes Term Paper

The types and impact of white collar crimes - Term Paper Example A far neglected area of crime, is this negligence owing to the fact that attention has been brought to it only recently, or is it more so because the ‘criminals’ who commit these crimes are generally affluent and in a position of high social impact, thereby making them different from the stereotypical poor man turning to crime? But why is that white collar crime generally goes by unnoticed and white collar criminals go by unpunished? Is it the nature of the crime, or the nature of the offender? What constitutes these crimes and what are their effects? Along with a brief history and explanation of white crime these will be the questions the essay will be aiming to answer. Background What is white crime? White crime or white collar crime is a considerably different form of crime than the stereotypical image of street crime that the word ‘crime’ instantly conjures up in our mind. It is a more subtle, under-the-table form of crime, where rather than harm others, the main impact is to benefit one’s self (Shover, 2006). ... but the term ‘White Collar crime’ was first used by an American sociologist, Professor Edwin Hardin Sutherland, in an address to the American Sociological Society in 1939. After the World War II, in the era of the Great Depression, money was so scarce and the situation so desperate that people wanted to seek benefit in any way that they could. Considering themselves overworked and underpaid, they began to exploit their positions to their own personal advantage (Strader 2002). Sutherland defines the term ‘white collar crime’ as ‘offense committed by an individual or group of individuals who belong to respected and high social class in the course of his occupation’, Sutherland (1949) which basically meant individuals or corporations performing illegal activities which benefited their business in a certain way. Sutherland wished to draw notice to this far neglected area of crime, neglected mainly due to the fact that the ‘criminals’ gu ilty of these crimes were generally of a higher social status and position, taking them out of the stereotypical definition of a criminal, making them easier to overlook. They were workers who had earned their working positions legally through a certain amount of influence or education, therefore making them appear to be responsible, hard-working citizens of society (Gerhard, 2006). Interpretation of the exact nature of these crimes greatly varies and is not always exactly clear. For example, embezzlement and fraud is quietly obviously a crime, but is false, misleading advertisement a form of white crime or is it simply a business strategy? Is the dumping of toxic waste considered a white crime or is it simply negligence? There are wide varying definitions of what white crime actually constitutes, but they are classified by

Monday, October 28, 2019

Alternative Minimum Tax Essay Example for Free

Alternative Minimum Tax Essay Good to hear from you Alex. Estate and gift tax can be a burden so let me help you clear the air and give you a fresh take on what to do. First I’m going to want to explain to you the estate tax formula. Then I will discuss the interplay between gift and estate taxes. I have a few strategies for you to minimize estate taxes that I can let you in on and will help you on the long run. I would also like to explain the generation-skipping transfer tax and its relationship to gift and estate tax, because this might relate to you. From all this I will give you my advice on whether to invest in your son and his business idea. I would like to explain the estate tax formula and how it is computed. The first step is to gather or compile the gross estate and that consists of all the property in which you have an interest in. This would be the total dollar value of all the property and assets you have at the time of your death. The gross estate figure will be before liabilities like debt and taxes are deducted. The next step will be to subtract all the debt, funeral, and administration expenses. This will give you the adjusted gross estate. We would then normally subtract the property passing to the surviving spouse. In your case, your spouse no longer plays a factor but that may come to play if you decide to remarry and include your possible future spouse in your will. After we have taken out these items we would come up with your taxable estate. We will have to add the adjusted taxable gifts. This would be the excess of $13,000 annual gift exclusion amount. Under some special circumstances, if the gift was included in the gross estate it would not have to be reported again. Once this is done we will have you estate tax base. We then can find your tentative estate tax from the tax table. Our next step would be to subtract gift taxes payable on gifts includible in the estate tax base. We also have to subtract the applicable credit amount. The applicable credit is also known as the unified credit. This credit applies to both the gift and estate taxes. In 2012 the maximum unified credit is at $1,772,800 and the applicable exclusion amount is at $5,120,000. If after all this is done and a tax is still payable we will subtract other possible credits. These credits would include state tax credits, the credit for prior transfers and the foreign tax credit. The final result would be the tax payable that is due with the estate tax return. Gift and estate taxes work together and there is a specific purpose to that. While you are alive, and gift transfers may be subject to the federal gift tax. After your death, the estate transfers (property and assets) may be subject to federal estate tax. The reason these two taxes work together is so at the time of your death you cannot avoid the estate tax by giving away your property. The one good thing is that they both have exclusions that we can take advantage to avoid taxes. A gift and estate lifetime exclusion can work together to allow you to transfer up to $5,120,000 of lifetime gifts. They both will not be imposed with gift or estate tax. Anything after this exclusion will be subject to the 35% tax rate and that goes for both gift and estate tax. Another way they are intertwined is that if you have to make large gift tax payments during your lifetime this would result in lower estate taxes. In some circumstances the combine total of the early gift taxes and the later estate tax would give you an even lower estate tax that you would have gotten with the estate tax alone. This would then allow you to pass on even higher values to your beneficiaries. There are a few estate tax strategies that I want you in on and that will eventually lower you estate tax. First is marital transfer, which neither lifetime gifts nor bequests at death to one’s spouse are subject to estate taxes. This type of transfer might be an incentive for you to remarry but don’t recommend that be your only reason for remarriage. Another strategy is lifetime gifts to children and grandchildren. An example of this is to give annual gifts of $12,000 to any number of persons. By giving this gift a husband and wife can give a collective amount of $24,000 per year per recipient without having to incur a gift tax. This can add up to a substantial amount over a number of years. Uniform transfer to minors is another option. You can accomplish this by gifting to the children that are still minors which is usually given to a custodian for the benefit of the child. This would be distributed to the child when the child reaches 18 and like other gifts would be subject to an annual exclusion for lifetime gifts. Irrevocable life insurance trusts are available for you to use. To do this you would be transferring small amounts of your estate that are equal to the amount of a life insurance premium to an irrevocable life insurance trust. When this is done, you will be reducing your taxable estate and creating a much larger asset outside of the estate. The life insurance proceeds are generally not taxable. A private annuity can be made to make a sale of an asset to a younger generation in exchange for an unsecured promise. This promise is to pay annual amounts to the seller for the seller’s lifetime. Furthermore, charitable transfers can reduce the size of the estate and thereby reduce the estate taxes. Lifetime gifts provide an additional benefit of an income tax deduction. This last one I think is one of your best bets for transferring your estate to your child or children. A family limited partnership can provide a valuable estate planning tool to assist your family in transferring ownership of family owned businesses. This would also help protect your family assets from creditors as an added bonus. Considering that you will be making larger amounts of money, this option permits taxation of partnership income at your child’s lower tax rates. This plan offers plenty of intriguing options but also the added features of the family limited partnership flexibility and revocability. With your son’s possible criminal record, this gives you control in case things don’t pan out like you wish. What is generation skipping transfer? A generation skipping transfer is shift of property by gift to a person who is two or more generations below that of you. For years wealthy individuals gave away their fortune or property to grandchildren without paying federal estate taxes. This tax was made to prevent people avoiding this tax by skipping generations. This tax is only due when a skip person receives amount in excess of GST estate tax credit. One good thing is that most people will never encounter the GST tax because the tax credit levels are pretty high. Currently taxpayers are entitled to a $5 million GST tax exemption. Leaving a dynasty trust offers two advantages to the GST exemption. One is that the trust will escape all transfer taxes when the child dies. I would then pass tax-free to the grandchildren. The trust can be protected from the claims of creditors and to some extent, money seeking ex-spouses. Overall I hope I have given you some ideas on what to do and how to avoid estate taxes. Estate taxes can be avoided and you don’t have to take it sitting down. There are plenty of tax loopholes that you can still take advantage of. Now for the matter of your son it is in my personal recommendation for you not to just give your child, Jackson, the gift of three million. As there will be a gift tax that will apply to it for this current year that can be avoided. Instead I hope you decide to make a family limited partnership as to give you control of that money and still give your son the opportunity to pursue his dream to make custom cabinets. Eventually you can leave the company to Jackson after you know that the felony charges will not affect him and he has shown promise in maintaining the company. This once again is my recommendation but you have the option to do as you see fit. You are not limited to this and we can always work together to find something that will fit your c hildren or family needs.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Physics of an AM Radio :: Physics Radio Papers

The Physics of an AM Radio It’s was a beautiful sunny morning and Bill just kissed his wife goodbye and headed out the door on his way to work. As Bill got into his car he realized that he missed the Utah Jazz game the night before because of a late business meeting and fell asleep before the news came on so he couldn’t catch the highlights or even the score. He remembered that he could catch the rundown on AM frequency 930 (Sports News Radio). Many people enjoy listening to AM radio because of how convenient it is to listen and catch up on the sports, weather or just enjoy the entertainment of listen to Rush or Dr. Laura, but are much like Bill and don’t have any idea how the signal that carries these programs is sent or even received. In an attempt to understand this process, Bill confronts a part time employee who is currently studying electronics and has a basic knowledge of how the AM radio found his car or even his home works. Almost all AM radios work under the same basic design. There are two very simple yet very important things that make AM radio possible. What are these things? A transmitter(the station) and a receiver(the radio). THE TRANSMITTER Each radio station that desires to have a frequency(signal) on AM radio must notify the FCC and are assigned a frequency that they can use to send their information out on. The very first part of the transmitter is a quartz crystal. This is used because it is very stable and efficient which is important because there are certain laws and guidelines that the stations must abide by. They cannot go over or below the assigned frequency by more than 5K hertz, making a bandwidth of 10K hertz. After the quartz crystal, is an oscillator where the actual physics of the transmitter comes in. The oscillator is made up of a variety of electronics components including an operational amplifier and a combination of resistors and capacitors. Resistors are defined as-The impedance to the flow of electric current. The resistance is equal to the voltage across the object divided by the current through it. Measured in volts per ampere, or ohms.(Physics, A World View 513) Current is defined as-A flow of electric charge. Measured in amperes. (Physics, A World View 513) A combination of a resistor and capacitor in series or parallel is called a filter.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bicyclists and Motorcyclists Should Be Required By Law To Wear Helmets Essay

Due to the rising cost of gasoline all over the world more and more people are looking into alternative forms of transportation. Using your car these days is heavy on the budget because the amount of a full tank of gasoline will effectively feed a family for at least a week. This is why the cost efficient forms of transportation, bicycles and motorcycles have been emerging as more popular and cost-effective ways of transportation. There is one drawback though, these are also the 2 most dangerous forms of transportation for an individual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Riding a bicycle or a motorcycle exposes the rider to various kinds of dangers on the way to his destination. One has to admit that it is very easy to turn turtle and hurl off a bicycle while getting pinned under a motorcycle is a reality that all riders have to face. Since nothing can be done about the injuries below the neck, and considering that an EMT on the way to the hospital can usually give emergency treatment to these injuries, the injuries to the head will instantly kill the rider. This is why both motorcyclists should be required by law to wear a helmet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I believe that this is a non-negotiable issue because it pertains to saving the life of a rider. I will agree that helmets can be uncomfortable when worn. It is hot, heavy, and tends to get smelly after a while. But it is that hot, heavy, and stinky piece of protective gear that always saves lives. Just like a seatbelt does in cars. Discomfort is a small price to pay if it means preserving your life in dire accident situations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The father of my best friend died in a motorcycle accident because he was not wearing his helmet. He had crashed his motorcycle into a car on the opposite side of the road when he lost control of the motorcycle. If only he were wearing the helmet, he would not have cracked his skull on the pavement when he hit the ground. He had no other injuries so he should have survived. The helmet spelled the difference.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Personally, I had an accident on my mountain bike a few months back. It flew right from under me during a rocky downhill ride in the mountains. I tumbled farther than my bike did but survived the fall with only a few bruises and deep cuts. The helmet I was wearing took most of the blow. It is all cracked now and I had to replace it. I still keep it displayed on my shelf as a conversation piece. To remind people I know of that share the same or similar activities about why it is important to wear a helmet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If lawmakers would only take the time to talk to the survivors of such accidents, they will come to realize why laws such as these are important and have to be implemented. The rising cost of gasoline should not mean the rising body count on our streets either.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Motivation Towards Completing A Masters Degree In Marketing Education Essay

In this essay I would wish to discourse the factors that motivated me to make my Masterss in selling and besides why I choose Bangor University. Since childhood, assorted facets of the concern universe intrigued me but the most challenging of them all is marketing. Here, the primary ground for which I wanted to prosecute MBA in marketing from Bangor University ; I steadfastly believe that I will be profiting in my professional every bit good as my personal life. I am keenly interested in heightening my cognition farther beyond my place state, therefore I found Bangor Business School is an first-class topographic point to hone my professional accomplishments and thereby hold a bright hereafter. I steadfastly believe in motive and Maslow ‘s Hierarchy Theory motivated me a batch to take my Masterss. My attack to acquisition is same as that of the Sensor Stimulation Theory ( Laird, 1985 ) . Larid suggested that bulk of the acquisition is done by detecting, which is about 75 % and I agree with him. The issues that anticipate in a group work can be of many grounds ; I personally faced many group work jobs for the last two old ages when I was working at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ( BPCL ) , India. The jobs which I faced while working at BPCL in group work are deficiency of treatment about the undertaking work and personal self-importance jobs with the squad members. Rectification could be done when all the group members meet frequently and discourse their several jobs or a strong determination from the direction side will besides works for the jobs faced in groups.What motivated me to analyze my Master ‘s grade at BangorHarmonizing to Meahr & A ; Mwyer ( 1997 ) â€Å" Motivation is a theoretical concept used to explicate the induction, way, strength, continuity, and quality of behavior, particularly purposive behavior † . The theory that motivated me to analyze my Masterss is Maslow ‘s Hierarchy of Needs Theory ( Abraham Maslow, 1943 ) .The theory is fundamentally a classical definition about the human motive. Maslow Theory is explained on the footing of five demands of a human being. The basic five demands are as follows, 1. Physiological demands. 2. Safety demands. 3. Social needs. 4. Esteem needs. 5. Self-actualization demands. Physiological demands can be defined as the basic demands such as air, nutrient, H2O, vesture and shelter or it can be defined as the basic demands of a human being, without the basic needs none can last in the existence. Emotional, physical and environmental safety comes under the safety needs. In item the safety demands can be of security from occupations, household, wellness etc. Bing a mortal psyche the support from the life spouse, parents, equals etc. is pertinent and this known as societal demand for a human being. It may besides include the attention and fondness besides. One can accomplish his/her ends in life merely with the support from household and friends. Internal and external regard demands are the chief demands for any human being. Internal esteem demands means the demand that is developed inside the individual, which could be self-respect, assurance, freedom etc. Some people are extremely confident about the way where they are going and they will be surely accomplis hing their ends without any obstructions. External regard needs comprises of power, position etc. Peoples in the society are extremely witting about the position and the power that they are keeping in the society and this motivates them to accomplish their ends. Finally comes the self-actualization demands, self-actualization can be defined as the desire for self-fulfilment. Self-actualization means the strong desire to accomplish our ends by mensurating our capablenesss. It besides helps to derive more cognition and do the life more originative. When we grow psychologically the chances besides grow continuously. The last factor of Maslow ‘s theory that is self-actualization influenced me a batch, from my school degree itself I was really much interested in the concern sector and I came to this field. After reading this theory during my graduation yearss my purpose to take the Masterss increased. I can hopefully state that this theory motivated me a batch to take my Masterss. After my graduation in Mechanical Engineering I had been working in Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, India. At that clip my head ever believing about the Masterss and I started look intoing for good universities and I found Bangor would be the best pick for me to take the Masterss and to accomplish my end. When I was traveling through the university website many things attracted and it found to be interesting every bit good. The chief thing is it is one of the oldest and celebrated establishments in UK. It had an overall experience of more than 120 old ages in learning with the international pupils and when I looked the superior chart I found Bangor University is holding a good rank. Many of my friends told me Bangor Business School is the best pick to take your Masterss. The other of import thing about this topographic point is the cost of life ; it is really low when we are comparing with other universities and metropoliss. The university is holding a broad scope of library an d IT resources. Bangor is besides holding a strong research wing and I like to make my research in selling sector here itself. Bangor is besides holding a good occupation zone which will assist the pupils to acquire their portion clip occupation easy. Many calling workshops are conducted by the university, by this we will be acquiring aid in doing a course of study vitae, how to go to an aptitude trial and competence about interviews. More over Bangor is holding a beautiful geographical construction and the metropolis is quiet and free from the noise pollution. All these factors made me to take my Masterss in marketing from Bangor.MY Approach TO LEARNING.Learning can be defined as the lasting alteration in one ‘s behavior or potency from a direct or indirect experience. My attack to acquisition is about like the Traditional centripetal stimulation theory ( Larid, 1985 ) which explains that the acquisition comes to the maximal degree when the senses are stimulated. Larid Ã¢â‚¬Ë œs theory chiefly focus on the five basic centripetal gesture of a human being, which tells us that in bulk of the grownups which is about 75 % acquisition is through seeing. Hearing comes following with merely 13 % , and the remainder three senses such as touch odor and gustatory sensation comprises merely 12 % . If a individual is holding a good multiple senses, he can be a good scholar. Harmonizing to Burn ‘s â€Å" The constructs of persons have different demands and concerns at different times, and that they have subjective readings in different contexts † . From my personal experience I can site out that Larid ‘s theory is a really good attack to larning. I had done my graduation in mechanical technology and at that clip we had to analyze a batch about the working of large machineries like lathe, crunching machine, cosmopolitan proving machine etc. At the clip of talk in category about the working rule of machines I was non to the full digested about the wor king, but when I go to the lab and see the working of these machines I was to the full convinced about the working. This is the same instance when we are analyzing about the working rule of car engines. From my childhood I prefer to see objects instead than hearing about it. I had some other attacks besides towards my acquisition which is known as attack for accelerated acquisition. It consists of four chief aims, they are Target Plan. Track advancement. Make it for life. ( Beginning: – accelerated learning ) The first thing that should be in one ‘s head when he/she starts their acquisition is end and aims which can be called as mark. Making the mark is the first measure towards our end, from this minute one can put their way towards their end. Target can be divided into three factors. The first factor is one should happen and analyze the ground why he/she set this end. The 2nd component is one had to research their end, which means one must hold a good thought about the end and besides about the life after accomplishing the end. The 3rd factor is one must hold clear cut cognition about the aims which he/she had to finish on the manner to end. Planning has a great importance in acquisition. After puting the end one must fix a class map, in this they had to be after their survey clip, clip for making their assignment, reading articles besides clip for amusement. If there is no amusement a individual can be narrow minded. For all this a good planning must be at that place. Normally fr om my childhood itself I had a good planning about my surveies and this helped me a batch to make my end and that helped me more when I was working in building field. In building field planning has a great value and there we had to be after the work for the coming two or three hebdomads in progress. If one ‘s planning fails company had to endure a batch. After be aftering about the surveies he/she should fall in line with the surveies. During this process one can hesitate on occasion and look into whether they are traveling in right path or non. If he/she is traveling in the incorrect way of their mark they had to recheck their planning and the correct it. I normally follow this manner on my surveies because by this I can cipher how far my mark is and how much distance I had screen on my manner to the mark. The concluding factor is ‘Do it for life ‘ , means after making the end 1 must do some clip to bask what they had achieved. So when 1 is utilizing their cogniti on, so they can reenforce their self-image which will give them a great sense of satisfaction.ISSUES IN A GROUP WORK.While working with an person or a group of people, one ‘s attitudes and behavior alterations which is termed as societal influence. When we are working in a group many jobs can come into drama. It will impact the smooth working of an administration. So when we are get downing a group work we must be cognizant of the issues that can originate in a group and we must be ready to work out the issues. The issues in a group work can be as follows Problems due to hapless planning. Less control on the procedure. No new thoughts or information on treatment. Lack of treatment about the thoughts. Unable to finish the undertaking on clip. Poor engagement by the group members. Frustration between the members in the group. Playing a domination function by a squad member. Being of the mark. Communication job. ( Beginning: – Berk and Lintem ) Planning plays a polar function in a group work while making a undertaking. If one is non holding a proper planning so he/she will non able to run the undertaking swimmingly. When I was working in a mechanical house we gave more importance to planning section because there we are utilizing heavy Cranes for the hard-on of equipment for a high menu and if the planning fails everything is gone. So when we are get downing anything we must be after it really good. Not at all for occupation, when one is making a group assignment during their surveies besides a good planning must be at that place. When one is making a group assignment a individual must be at that place to principal the squad and take the group members in the right way. Otherwise every group members will be in confusion about the proceedings and this may do many jobs. If the group members are holding no new thoughts or information about the work they are making, so they will non be able to finish the undertaking in clip in a good mode. One should be good cognizant about the subject that he/she is making. The of import factor in a group work is the treatment. The squad leader must name a group meeting and discuss about present place of the work, how they can continue, new thoughts etc. If there is no treatment traveling on about the schemes, so the squad members will be executing consequently to their want and later it becomes really hard to finish the undertaking in a good manner. Merely from a balanced treatment new thoughts will be emerged. Time direction is one of the critical factors in a group work. There must be a clip tabular array and the group should supervise it. If there is no prioritized clip agenda for a undertaking and at the last minute the group had to scramble to complete the undertaking and finally fails to run into the outlooks. In some instances some of the group members did non take part in treatment and they will stay quiet and merely hear the treatment merely. As a consequence the other the squad members had to work a batch to counterbalance for this and it effects the smooth operation of the group. Frustration among team members is a rather normal job happening in a group work. In a group, if he/she thinks that their thoughts are non giving any importance or penchant by the other group members and as a consequence they will be acquiring frustrated and because of this a batch of jobs may originate. At the clip of treatment when one or two dominates the session other squad members may believe that their thoughts are non giving any precedence and it may impact the squad outcomes. Being of the undertaking means, after acquiring the undertaking the squad members will non take it earnestly and they waste clip on playing or dish the dirting. At the last minute merely they will be cognizant about the undertaking and fails to complete it before the deadline. This is normally seen in many of the group works. Proper communicating among group members is a really of import factor in a group work. If there is no communicating between the squad members they ca n't bring forth a good end product. This is one of the chief jobs that I had faced when I was working in BPCL, India. How one can get the better of the above sited jobs in a group is discussed below.STRATEGIES FOR SOLVING GROUP PROBLEMS.For work outing the jobs in a group work there are many attacks, it chiefly depends on the jobs nature and the individual who had involved in that job. Usually rational attack is use to work out the jobs. Rational attack means analyse the job, cheque for options, measure every optio n, select one, use it and look into whether the job is rectified or non. Adequate clip must be given to the group members to present themselves such as their name, individuality etc. A brainstorming subdivision should be conducted to develop an thought about the group undertaking. In that subdivision select one individual as a squad leader and make up one's mind the day of the month and clip for the following meeting and start to work on the undertaking. This will assist to finish the undertaking in a better mode. This will assist to rectify the job which causes due to decelerate start and hapless planning. In the brainstorming subdivision every squad members must be at that place and each one had to lend their ain thoughts. After bring forthing the few thoughts evaluate it and seek for farther. If these attacks are non working they can near the coach for counsel. List out the thoughts which are proposed in the treatment and they must be certain that all the thoughts had been tested. Promote the squad members to acquire some violative suggestions sometime s it may assist to make new thoughts. For deciding the jobs related to the clip direction, timelines must be established in which all the group members must hold on that. For every meeting the squad member must come with a advancement study on what they had been making after the last meeting. The squad members must assist each other for the completion of undertaking, for illustration a individual is non able to make his work due to some unwellness or some other ground. One of the other jobs in a group will be deficiency of engagement by members. For this the squad had to found out why he /she is quiet and non active. Make a confab with that individual in the presence of a non-participating member to acknowledge the ground for the absence of engagement and the 1 who had talked must seek to work out it. I had a similar experience when I was working in BPCL, India. We handled the state of affairs in the same mode and the ground for that cat was some household job. Next we can look into out how one can work out the defeat between members. Every member must esteem the thoughts of others and this does n't intend that one had support the other people ‘s thought blindly. They can measure and supply productive remarks about the thought. When 1 had to differ with one ‘s thought do it gracefully and the squad members must bear in head that they had to travel for dialogue and comprise while working in a group. In some group work issues may expect when one or two members dominate in the treatment and to decide this, squad leader must take attention of it. Every squad member must be given opportunity to explain their thoughts. So when a individual is transcending the clip bound one can state courteously that your clip bound is over and allow us now hear what others had had to state and it will be utile for you besides. For work outing the communicating job foremost of all one had find out what are the issues that consequence a group work because of hapless communicating. Then look into out for which undertaking it is chiefly set uping. For illustration, if there is a misinterpretation between the squad members one had to take stairss to work out this by giving a clear thought about the undertaking and clear up their uncertainties.CONCLUSION.No can last in today ‘s universe without larning. I can hopefully state that self-actualization demand in Maslow ‘s Hierarchy of Needs Theory motivated me a batch to take my Masterss in selling. Why I choose Bangor University for my Masterss is that Bangor is keeping a good rank in the top universities rank list in UK and the cost of life is besides really inexpensive when compared with other metropoliss in United Kingdom. My attack to acquisition is about comparable to Larid ‘s Traditional centripetal stimulation theory and the four factors that bear on head while analyzing is mark, program, track advancement and make it for life. Group work will assist an person to hone their capablenesss. I had sited many jobs in a group work in this essay on which some of them are from my personal experience besides. Conflicts in a group can be of many grounds and the important facet is how a individual can cover the struggle and how to decide it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Greenwood South carolina Hisotry essays

Greenwood South carolina Hisotry essays Greenwood County keeps growing every year new things are build , like houses , industries and many other things. Greenwood County has a diversified manufacturing economy some companies have more than a century , others have only recently selected Greenwood as the location of new Industries. Greenwood Mills , Inc. , began operations in 1891 , the town's first textile manufacturing plant , is now a major producer of denim and other fabrics . With 7,000 employees in South Carolina , Georgia , Tennessee . George W. Park Seed Company has been in business since 1868 and is international mail - order supplier of gardening materials and seeds . In 1918 Southern Brick Company was established , when rich deposits of clay were discovered in Ninety Six Creek ,and continues to manufacture building materials . Fuji photo film, Inc. , was established in Greenwood in 1889 . In early 1994 , Fuji announced the construction of its largest and most technologically facility in Greenwood .This factory has recently been completed and is ready to supply color photographic paper to the US Market . Fuji announced on June 20 , 1995 , that the construction was completed and production had begun at the Greenwood site . The construction of a Central Distribution Center was announced in January , 1996 . This facility has been completed and serves of all the manufacturing facilities at the fuji Greenwood complex . The Distribution Center is over 3,000,000 square feet in size and represents as investments of 20 to 25 million dollars . Also in January of 1996 , Fuji of Greenwood announced the construction of new 100,000 square foot facility which will expand Fuji's ability to serve the graphic arts market . The new plant will be operational in early 1997 , will employ about 70 new Associates , and will represent an additional investment of approximately 25 Million .In February of 1996 , Fuji of Greenwood...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay on Ethical Dilemma in Halthcare Essay Example

Essay on Ethical Dilemma in Halthcare Essay Example Essay on Ethical Dilemma in Halthcare Essay Essay on Ethical Dilemma in Halthcare Essay Essay Topic: Emma Introduction A compound situation that mostly involves a psychological conflict between two situations that are both morally right is what an ethical dilemma entails. An ethical dilemma involves one choosing to obey a rule and in the same process transgressing another rule. In terms of healthcare, ethical dilemmas are very common as people differ in the mode in which a patient should be treated. When a patient has a life threatening condition that requires surgery that is dangerous, he or she is faced with a decision. In making this decision, they are faced with an ethical dilemma. That is, in going for the surgery, s/he could die or not end up improving their quality of life and not doing the surgery in which they could still die. Patients and their loved ones are not the only ones that are faced with ethical dilemmas, doctors as well as on a daily basis they are made to choose what are best for their patients. Discussion The healthcare system has undergone a series of radical changes. The changes have brought with them complex situations and thus the use of ethics become part of what should be applied. Thus, ethical dilemmas arise, as people are known to view situations in different perspectives. Ethical dilemmas are more often than not put across to attempt to contest a system that is ethical as well as how the rest of the world views it. How one views a particular situation, is not necessarily, how another person will view it. These arguments have been disapproved in many ways over the past years. Just as people are different, their views on how to handle a certain situation will also differ. A person, who chooses to do something in a certain way, often feels that by choosing one option, they have gone for the option that is a lesser evil than the other option. The same applies in healthcare, as doctors are also different. They are faced with decisions every day all with the aim of making their pat ient better. Physicians are forced to decide whether what they are doing is good for their patient, even if it is bad in terms of how society views that dilemma. Euthanasia is a situation where a doctor, patient or the loved one of the patient decides to end the life of their patient. The person advocating for it often feels that, by doing so, they will have put the patient out of the pain and suffering that is associated with the disease a patient is suffering from. This however goes against how society views life. Other people will not understand why kill someone who still might have some time left to live. Society believes that life is precious, and it should be preserved. Society does not get why one would choose to end his or her life, yet there still are other options to explore that would make the patient live comfortably. However, the pressure associated with seeing a fellow human being suffer with little or no hopes of recovering can make someone decide to relieve the patient from the pain. Some doctors also say that euthanasia goes against the Hippocratic Oath they took as doctors to practice medicine ethically and honestly therefor e preserving and protecting the lives of their patients. Since 2006, euthanasia also known as assisted suicide has been termed as the most active area of study in cotemporary bioethics. The earliest reports of euthanasia took place when the Emperor Augustus died in the arms of his wife without suffering. He asked his wife to let him die honorably than let him continue suffering, yet there was no way he could get any better. In those days, the term euthanasia had not yet been coined. The term was first used in the 17th century by a doctor called Francis Bacon. He said it referred to an easy happy death through the alleviation of pain rather than a death that is slowed down by a doctor through administering drugs. He felt that it was a doctor’s responsibility to alleviate a patient’s pain, as this was why they were doctors. The move was welcome, even if it meant letting the patient die, as opposed to having a life that is of less quality than the patient was living before. Euthanasia is illegal in some places in the world, while in others, it is termed as legal. Where it is illegal, a person who commits euthanasia can be charged with murder (Dowbiggin, 2 005). Euthanasia can be classified into three. It can be voluntary, non-voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary euthanasia is when the patient gives consent to let someone end their life prematurely. It is usually legal in the countries that permit the practice. The countries in the world that permit it are Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. Other countries are adopting this method though many objections have been presented by pro-life activists. In the United States for instance, some states advocate for voluntary euthanasia while others still do not. The states that advocated for voluntary euthanasia all follow the Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Missouri State rendering voluntary euthanasia legal in this case. It is necessary to note that voluntary euthanasia should not be confused with when a patient commits suicide with the help of a physician. This is termed as assisted suicide, which is legal in some countries, which include Switz erland, Australia, Belgium and three states of United States that are Oregon, Washington and Montana. Non-voluntary euthanasia is whereby it is done when the consent of a patient is not available. It is illegal in all countries. Involuntary euthanasia is whereby the patient does not give their consent to be killed off. When this is done, it is tantamount to murder and the person responsible for it can be charged in a court of law. Though some forms euthanasia can be termed as legal, it is essential to note that child euthanasia is illegal in the whole world. Anyone who does this has committed murder, as a child does not have the capacity to make such a decision on his or her own. Even if a parent feels that they have the power to make decisions on behalf of the child, this decision is not up to them. These three forms of euthanasia are classified into passive euthanasia in which treatment is withheld. By treatment, it means that the use of medicine that is necessary to prolong the life of a patient is withheld. Passive euthanasia can also include administering large doses of morphine so that the patient feels less pain since they do not have painkillers in their system. Active euthanasia, on the other hand, is by employing the use of substances that would end the life of a patient faster. This could be using lethal substances that are harmful to the health of a patient, even if s/he was healthy. A widely known example of active euthanasia is the case of the terminally ill patient in Michigan was administered lethal medication to him by his doctor. Dr. Jack Kevorkian was charged with first-degree murder for killing his patient Thomas Youk. Though the medication was administered per Youk’s request, Dr. Kevorkian was sentenced to prison after being found guilty of second-degr ee murder. Many authors have written articles on this issue and have termed it as unhelpful and misleading. They have questioned the fact that is euthanasia mercy killing or murder of an innocent victim. The topic of euthanasia is associated with many debates with people on the opposite sides of the debate feeling that their views are most relevant than the other side. People have different views, most of which have been brought about by the backgrounds that they have grown up in. However, for the independent minded, they will feel that it is more crucial to remember their loved one as a happy healthy person than as a sick person. They would rather not see them in pain. It is a personal decision, as no one would like to see his or her loved ones in pain. People that support euthanasia will argue that it is easier to let a patient die as one will know that they are no longer in pain. Through death, a patient is at peace and no longer has to worry about being sick. In the case of a patient choosing to end his or her life, they feel that society needs to respect that decision. If the patient were not hurting anyone else, why would the state interfere? Death is a private matter, and if t hrough it, the grief and suffering of not only the patient, but also their loved ones is shortened, then the practice of euthanasia should be advocated. Even Christians support euthanasia and back up their claims by saying that, God is love. Since love entails compassion, why someone would let a loved one be in pain yet there is a way of ending the pain. The greatest show of love to them is to let someone die thus showing that their love is agape. They even quote the bible saying that in Genesis chapter one, verse 28 it says that God gave human beings dominion over all things. Thus, they feel that it is their right to choose what happens to their loved ones. God gave human beings free will meaning that whatever they decide to do with their lives it is in their own hands. Even in the bible, there are examples of euthanasia. Like in second Samuel chapter 1 verses, 9 and 10 where King Saul asked his guard to kill him after he felt that he could not kill David. They also say that in John chapter 10 verse 10 that it promotes life in all its fullness. If a person feels that his or her life’s quality is lessened, then they should opt for euthanasia. For people who have been led to believe that life is important they tend to be pro-life. They will be against any form of euthanasia even if it means less suffering for the people involved. According to them life is precious and should not be left to people who are already distraught to make such decisions. They feel that if euthanasia were made legal more people would opt for it and not just terminally ill patients. Medical experts have already said that it is impossible to give a specific time limit for life expectancy. They might give less or more time than the patient has. People against euthanasia also feel that it will reach a time when it will become non-voluntary. Just because someone does not want to take responsibility for what is happening, does not mean that another life has to end. For instance, in the case of parents who kill a child because they are paralyzed and they feel that taking care of the children will be too much for them. In Latimer’s case, a father ha d to kill his mentally disabled daughter because he thought that she had a hip problem that was a danger to her health. This is an example of non-voluntary euthanasia, and it was not necessary for the father to kill the daughter and end his pain and suffering. Pro-lifers feel that if more countries continue to legalize euthanasia it will reach a time that it will be used as a means of healthcare cost containment. Cutting costs is crucial to many people and if they see that their patient will not get better, they would rather kill them than continue paying for treatment that will not work. Life is crucial and practicing euthanasia shows that, as human beings people do not value life and the joys that it brings with it. Thus, they feel that euthanasia should remain illegal in the whole world so that people continue to value life. A line needs to be drawn when it comes to euthanasia. This is because human beings are not capable of making decisions that involve life or death situations. It should not be upon them to decide who gets to live or die. No one has the capacity to play God so therefore euthanasia should be made illegal in the whole world. Even if someone’s quality of life has reduced, the patients still have a right to live. However painful it is to see a loved one sick, it is essential to preserve life. Every person plays a different role in life. Just because one feels love for another more than anyone else does, does not mean that they get a chance to decide when their life ends. Furthermore, when faced with such a dilemma one is not in the right state of mind to make decisions. Conclusion Ethical dilemmas will always be there in life. How a person chooses to solve them, is what matters the most. It is often an endeavor to disprove what is termed as ethical by different people. Just like in euthanasia, both parties that are for and against it feel that their views are most valid. Thus, no matter which stand one chooses to follow it will still mean going against another choice. Life is precious no matter how one looks at it. It is therefore necessary to preserve it, as only God knows the time or day that a person should die. Therefore, human beings should not advocate for euthanasia. Work cited: Dowbiggin, I. R. (2005). A concise history of euthanasia: Life, death, God, and medicine. Lanham, Md: Rowman Littlefield.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

15 Amateur Mistakes You Can Make During Your Internship

15 Amateur Mistakes You Can Make During Your Internship You’ve scored a summer internship. It feels like a vacation! You’ll be in a cool place, it will look good on your resume, and you’re not getting paid, so you don’t have to worry too much about being perfect and distinguishing yourself. Right? Wrong. At least the last point. Just because it’s only an internship doesn’t mean you shouldn’t treat it like a job. In fact, you should use this time to set the bar for your new professional life- and set it high. That means not falling victim to some easy blunders. Here are the 15 biggest mistakes interns can make- and how to avoid them.1. OversharingYou may think this one part of your personality is super interesting and funny. Or your intense obsession with your [insert hobby]. But these topics are much better kept to your friends and relatives. Spare your employers and co-interns.2. ComplainingYour internship is not the time to air your complaints and grievances. It is a time to shut up and l earn. Remember, you won’t be there long, and the good impression you make here could pay off big time over the course of your career. Whatever gripes you have,  hold on to them(if possible). Don’t become a problem employee before you’re even hired.3. Making assumptionsIf you don’t know something- make sure to ask. The last thing you want to do is assume (makes a** of ‘u’ and ‘me’) you know what to do and end up doing the wrong thing. You won’t look like an idiot for asking. You will look like an idiot for not asking and then screwing up.4. Not being proactiveNot taking initiative might be the worst mistake that you could make. As an intern, your only job is to distinguish yourself as eager and proactive and as a future asset to that company/field. Act accordingly. Don’t just wait for someone to give you a task- find something useful to do without being asked or coached.5. Treating the office like your placeOnce yo u leave the office for the day, don’t go back. Don’t show up drunk, and don’t sleep there. This shouldn’t have to be said; just never do it.6. Ignoring boundariesRudeness is never okay. No job is beneath you. You are an intern. You don’t get to make chummy jokes with the CEO, no matter how nice she is. Know your place. Be respectful. Do your job. And leave your ego at the door.7. Cutting and runningIf you’ve accepted an internship, shown up, and started working. You’re now stuck there. This isn’t speed dating. Keep your commitments. And don’t make anyone have to scramble to replace you when you leave them high and dry. Burning bridges is not something you can afford to do at this very early stage in your career.8. Working for freeOnly take an unpaid internship if you absolutely have to. Otherwise, you’ll end up feeling exploited- or worse, going into debt to feed, house, and insure yourself.9. Wearing inappropriat e clothingDress for the career you want, not the job you have. T-shirts and scrappy clothes just won’t cut it–no matter how casual the office. Make sure to act like a grown-up if you want to be treated (and paid) like one.10. Communicating poorlyMake sure to say what needs to be said at the right time. Answer emails in clear and punctual fashion. Communicate your needs to avoid being misunderstood- especially when asking for favors. Be respectful and concise. And don’t talk circles around your point, particularly if it’s a controversial one.11. Not sweating the small stuffGrammar, punctuation, formatting†¦ these things matter. And make sure you never misspell someone’s name. Take the extra three seconds to double check the spelling from their email address.12. VacationingAt most, your internship is four months. Don’t try and take a two-week vacation. You don’t need one. Do your job and do it well, and vacation when it’s do ne. Summer or no summer. Have fun in your evenings and weekends instead.13. Being lazy or disrespectfulThis should go without saying. Don’t be late, don’t shirk work, don’t be rude, don’t be annoying. Don’t be cheeky and take long lunches thinking no one will notice. They will. Work hard and be courteous, rather than obnoxious.14. Lacking professionalismThis is a professional opportunity. If you play your cards right, you could set yourself up for real success. Don’t risk blowing your chance by treating this like a whimsical little stint. Treat it instead like your first job and act as though you could be fired at the end of every day if you don’t prove your mettle.15. Not being presentIf you’re sent an email, or asked a question, or given a task, don’t fade into the background. Don’t disappear. And don’t fail to respond. Answer respectfully in the affirmative, get the job done quickly and well, and remembe r: you are an intern. No job is beneath you. You are there to learn.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The international debt crisis-causes, consequences, and remedies Research Paper

The international debt crisis-causes, consequences, and remedies - Research Paper Example A nation usually runs a surplus in the capital account when it runs a current account deficit. A capital account surplus is an inflow of the foreign capita; in the nation which is often advantageous to a country. The main question that is posted by critiques is where these monies go and their role in the growth and development of the economies. If it is used for consumption, it will not have any injections and therefore more debts. It will be more stress to the country as opposed to when it is invested. It is unarguable that debt crisis is a challenge to a number of countries across the globe. In a number of economies, the crisis started during the mid-1970s when a number of the Organizations of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) managed to amass wealth and banks were willing to lend billions of dollars. A number of developing economies borrowed huge sums of money at floating and low interest rates. Due to the irresponsibility of the debtor governments and the creditors, the money borrowed was not used in the productive purposes, i.e. investment; rather it was used for immediate consumption. Consequently, these countries could not generate enough finances to repay the loans. The incidences of adjustable interest loans increased during Reagan’s administration in the United States to reduce inflation through the enforcement of stringent rules. (Madura, 2012) During this time, the prices of the raw materials collapsed, meaning that a number of poor countries did not have enou gh money to repay the debts. Most developing countries failed to pay their debts and have heavily relied on the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. There was however a condition those countries were to adopt economic structural adjustments. The government of the affected countries was forced to cut costs on education, health, and other social services to be able to repay the debts. In Latin America, the per capita of most countries plummeted, the GDP stagnated and

Accounting Information System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Accounting Information System - Essay Example As per the system, all the 30 transactions have been processed, starting from the Journal entries to adjustments, to trial balance, to profit and loss statement and finally the balance sheet, reflecting the effectiveness of the information processing system. The company has invested all the prize money in the business and constantly strives to enhance its products' sales. The money invested has been utilised towards purchase of different products to be resold to customers at a different price. The business has recorded a 25% gross profit margin on total sales, which is a sign that the company is using its investment in an effective way to generate profits. The resulting net loss of the company is due to the expenses incurred by the company on wages and rent. This tendency should be curbed to maintain a profit level for the company in future. However, this doesn't at all symbolise the ineffectiveness of business operations, as the company has recorded a sufficient level of sales and gross profit, but the operating expenses amounted to more than the gross profit. Therefore, the net loss of this period can easily be converted to profit by minimising and reducing the operating expenses and maintaining the current sales level.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Tactics of Michael Collins Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Tactics of Michael Collins - Essay Example 97-98). However, Collins also knew that "something more was necessary than a guerrilla war in which small bands of our warriors [] attacked the larger forces of the enemy" because "England could always reinforce her army" (Dwyer, 1990, p. 64). The tactic that arguably won the war was Collins implementation of the Squad which, together with his extensive intelligence network, was able to systematically assassinate British agents and thus cut of Britain's main supply of information. Both of these tactics resurfaced several times throughout the twentieth century, most notable in the teachings of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara and Brazilian revolutionary Carlos Marighella, but the question remains as to whom Michael Collins had the strongest link. Guevara was, like Collins, involved in a fight on a largely rural island, and often stressed the importance of taking up the fighting outside the city (Guevara, 1961, pp. 1-2). Even though both relied heavily upon the tactics of the Flying Column, there was a significant difference: whereas Collins guerrilla force only existed in the attack, Guevara had an actual army that could gain territory and form lines of resistance. Furthermore, Guevara actually had a chance to win his war through military means, unlike Collins and his ever-reinforced enemy. Collins idea of carefully selected executions was not unknown to Guevara, but it was in no way a key issue in his tactics.Marighella was facing an entirely different scenario, and thus devised new tactics to suit his needs. Fighting in heavy industrialized Brazil, he regarded the urban areas as the birthplace and battlefield of the guerrilla force (Marighella, 1969, p. 12). Like both of the others he subscribed to idea of the Flying Colum n, but unlike Guevara it was an autonomous unit, leaping only into existence when call upon (Marighella, 1969, p. 4). Marighella had no prospects of a traditional military victory, and like Collins he relied on the hidden warfare of surprise attacks, kidnapping and executions (Asprey, 1994, p.1089-90).To choose which of these later models is more consistent with Collins' is obviously to choose the lesser of two evils. Guevara fought an entirely different enemy, but used the Flying Column with great success. Marighella again fought a different foe and implemented Collins' idea of selective executions, but with less success. It seems that Marighella has the most to share with Collins. Although he lost his war, he took the most important part of Collins' tactics and attempted to put it into practice. Guevara merely adopted the foundational idea of small-unit fighting; a concept far predating Michael Collins. The answer as to whether Michael Collins should be regarded as villain or patriot is to some extent answered in the final sentence of Fidel Castro's defense speech of 1953; "History will absolve me". An attempt to define any reformer as good or bad will always be biased by the outcome of the conflict and our own political stance. However, technically Collins was a patriot by the very definition of the word: he fought for (the majority of) his country. The fact that he won Ireland her

Humanitarian Intervention and the Right to Protect Essay

Humanitarian Intervention and the Right to Protect - Essay Example The inviolability of the principle of sovereignty stood as a formidable obstacle to the entrance of other nations into sovereign territories for the purposes of humanitarian intervention. Even though sovereignty was an obstacle to humanitarian intervention, world leaders began to argue that intervention was a moral duty and responsibility. For the purposes of enforcing a right to intervention for humanitarian purposes, Canada founded the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. In 2001, the Commission published a report which openly supported, not just the right of the international community to intervene in instance of humanitarian crisis but which explicitly stated that the international community had a responsibility to protect population from the consequences of such crisis. In the 2005 World Summit in New York, the responsibility to protect was put to the vote and 192 UN member states voted in its favour. The responsibility to protect, also known as R2P, passed into international law. The responsibility to protect is, ostensibly, limited in scope to humanitarian intervention. Within the context of the stated, nations, under the UN umbrella, have the right to enter into a sovereign territory for the purposes of saving lives. ... Objections China, as have several other non-Western nations including Russia, has objected to R2P. China's objection, similar to that of other nations, is partially predicated on the assumption that the R2P doctrine is a strategy for the advancement of the West's politico-cultural and economic agenda upon non-Western nations. This means that R2P is interpreted as an excuse for the intervention in the affairs of sovereign nations. The very notion of humanitarian causes and intervention on the basis of humanitarian principles leaves the door wide upon to foreign intervention in any number of situations, according to China's argument and, ultimately, will constrain the powers of sovereign states. Another of China's arguments against R2P is that it is directly at odds with the doctrine of sovereignty and, indeed, legitimizes the violation of state sovereignty. Within the context of the stated causes, China has expressed fundamental and unwavering objection to R2P. Burma Burma suffered a cyclone of massive proportions which left tens of thousands dead and entire parts of the country devastated. While the death tool has been estimated at over 80,000, fears have been expressed that it is much greater than that. Furthermore, the country's military junta, which has displayed a completed incapability of dealing with the problem and, indeed, does not have the resources to, has been actively rejecting foreign help and aid. As long as it maintains its stance on the disallowance of foreign humanitarian workers into the country, the death tool will continue to rise. France has recently proposed entrance into Burma under R2P. The doctrine maintains that nations have the responsibility to protect populations in instances of humanitarian crisis,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Conflict Diamond Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Conflict Diamond - Speech or Presentation Example In the late 1990s, this trade caught the attention of the world as the protracted conflict in Sierra Leone reached its devastating climax. It is not just Sierra Leone that has suffered – diamonds have fuelled or exacerbated conflicts in Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo. These diamonds are regularly produced through the forced labor of men, women and children, or stolen during violent attacks on legitimate mining operations ( They have, on several occasions, been the main source of funding for brutal rebel groups. Due to the huge amount of money at stake in the illegal diamond trade, bribes, threats and torture often accompany the mining. In Liberia, between 1989 and 2003, there were two civil wars which killed perhaps 250,000 people, while displacing a further 1.3 million ( Former Liberian President Charles Taylor has used his diamond mines to fund a military campaign against civilians in L iberia and Sierra Leone, and is currently on trial in the International Court of Human Rights. In Ivory Coast, a civil war was sparked off in 2002, and even now, the country remains divided, with widespread human rights violations. Sierra Leone is perhaps the worst example of what blood diamonds can do to a country. Legitimate diamonds once provided the mainstay of the government’s revenues. Gradually, as rebel groups in the east of the country gained control over the mines, these revenues were reduced to nothing. By August 1993, even before the civil war had escalated, the total revenues reaching the government in Freetown amounted to some $8,000 (Dowden, 294). Meanwhile, in the mines, children were being sent down into tiny tunnels, while soft gravel above them regularly collapsed and buried them. The greed engendered by the illegitimate trade in diamonds led to a breakdown of traditional society. Visiting a village in 1993, Richard Dowden spoke to a local doctor who commen ted, ‘There is no trust – not even between these brothers who dig together. We have many killings. A lot of people disappear’ (296). Once Civil War broke out, all this worsened. The Revolutionary United Front (RUF) ruined the country’s interior. Bankrolled by diamonds, it raided villages, killing the inhabitants or cutting off their hands. Children were forced to become soldiers, and to kill their families and take drugs. They murdered and raped their way through the country, so that, by the end of the war, it was at the bottom of the United Nations Development Index. Let us consider the alternative. If diamonds are mined legitimately, under license from a popularly-elected and accountable government, and processed legitimately, and sold legitimately, to Western jewelers who insist upon certificates confirming the provenance of the diamonds, the revenues from these sales will be fed back into the revenues of the resource-rich states. A country currently re eling from decades of devastating war can use such revenues to build and rebuild schools, hospitals, roads, railways, and even to rebuild lives, by offering those scarred by the conflict a second chance. By taking the diamonds out of the hands of brutal militias, and into the hands of legitimate governments, we can promote sustainable development in a troubled and impoverished region. For confirmation of this, we need only look to those African countries which have managed their

Marketing Planning Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Planning Report - Essay Example In some target audiences, Burger King has established brand insistence, or â€Å"consumer refusals of alternatives and extensive search for desired products† (Boone & Kurtz, 2007, p.383). Unlike some competition that only establishes brand preference or brand recognition, the unique production capabilities (flame-broiling) has managed to improve its loyalty ratios over many competitors. Additionally, Burger King achieves higher revenues through its franchisee programme that allows royalties to be paid whilst still using current advertising methodology. This is accomplished through its widespread geographic diversification and its presence in a multitude of international locations across the globe. By handing operational costs to the franchise owner, Burger King is able to earn revenues without considerable overhead costs. Unlike corporate owned, competitive fast food companies, Burger King maintains much lower operational costs and would normally be associated with corporate-o wned facilities. Burger King’s weaknesses include the influence of ever-changing labour laws that provide concentrated regulatory presence related to worker treatment, hours allowable, and diversity policies that differ internationally. This creates cost associated with maintaining new training programmes and also increases governmental control over how the business structures its labour pool in relation to retention and corporate organisational structure. Burger King also relies heavily on attempting to retain currently loyal customers rather than seeking new target audiences. This could be an effort to save on advertising costs by consolidating, however the business misses out on opportunities for gaining new market loyalty. Opportunities for the business include gaining higher revenues and more international brand visibility through its breakfast menu that grows more diverse over the years (, 2010). There are many threats to Burger King’s increas ed market share expectations, including troubled international economic conditions that lead to less disposable income for customers (such as the current rise in oil prices globally). This changes consumer sentiment related to pricing and their willingness to buy based on cost alone. Troubled economies represent unstable and uncertain operating environments that impact marketing strategy in a multitude of different ways. At the same time, consumer eating habits are changing due to international or domestic trends in healthier eating or acknowledgement of problems with obesity that directly impact an organisation where high fat content products are part of the core menu variety. Finally, consumers today are willing to defect to new brands based on many factors, with cost being one of these main trends. There is no guarantee in current market conditions, based on fluctuating buying behaviours in multiple consumer markets, that brand loyalty will be guaranteed over the long-term. There are virtually no political factors impacting business other than the aforementioned regulatory increases in labour protectionism. At the economic level, there are currently ongoing lawsuits related to franchisee unrest related to value pricing models that erode business owner profitability. Socially, there

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Conflict Diamond Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Conflict Diamond - Speech or Presentation Example In the late 1990s, this trade caught the attention of the world as the protracted conflict in Sierra Leone reached its devastating climax. It is not just Sierra Leone that has suffered – diamonds have fuelled or exacerbated conflicts in Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo. These diamonds are regularly produced through the forced labor of men, women and children, or stolen during violent attacks on legitimate mining operations ( They have, on several occasions, been the main source of funding for brutal rebel groups. Due to the huge amount of money at stake in the illegal diamond trade, bribes, threats and torture often accompany the mining. In Liberia, between 1989 and 2003, there were two civil wars which killed perhaps 250,000 people, while displacing a further 1.3 million ( Former Liberian President Charles Taylor has used his diamond mines to fund a military campaign against civilians in L iberia and Sierra Leone, and is currently on trial in the International Court of Human Rights. In Ivory Coast, a civil war was sparked off in 2002, and even now, the country remains divided, with widespread human rights violations. Sierra Leone is perhaps the worst example of what blood diamonds can do to a country. Legitimate diamonds once provided the mainstay of the government’s revenues. Gradually, as rebel groups in the east of the country gained control over the mines, these revenues were reduced to nothing. By August 1993, even before the civil war had escalated, the total revenues reaching the government in Freetown amounted to some $8,000 (Dowden, 294). Meanwhile, in the mines, children were being sent down into tiny tunnels, while soft gravel above them regularly collapsed and buried them. The greed engendered by the illegitimate trade in diamonds led to a breakdown of traditional society. Visiting a village in 1993, Richard Dowden spoke to a local doctor who commen ted, ‘There is no trust – not even between these brothers who dig together. We have many killings. A lot of people disappear’ (296). Once Civil War broke out, all this worsened. The Revolutionary United Front (RUF) ruined the country’s interior. Bankrolled by diamonds, it raided villages, killing the inhabitants or cutting off their hands. Children were forced to become soldiers, and to kill their families and take drugs. They murdered and raped their way through the country, so that, by the end of the war, it was at the bottom of the United Nations Development Index. Let us consider the alternative. If diamonds are mined legitimately, under license from a popularly-elected and accountable government, and processed legitimately, and sold legitimately, to Western jewelers who insist upon certificates confirming the provenance of the diamonds, the revenues from these sales will be fed back into the revenues of the resource-rich states. A country currently re eling from decades of devastating war can use such revenues to build and rebuild schools, hospitals, roads, railways, and even to rebuild lives, by offering those scarred by the conflict a second chance. By taking the diamonds out of the hands of brutal militias, and into the hands of legitimate governments, we can promote sustainable development in a troubled and impoverished region. For confirmation of this, we need only look to those African countries which have managed their

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Music's importance in Japanese History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Music's importance in Japanese History - Essay Example Music has a great significance in the Japanese history because has helped keep the historic moments about the state of Japan. The message in these songs is all about Japan and is considered to be informative and preservative as while. This is through various songs that are considered more important for their contents. These songs talk about how Japan came up, and they create attention of many when sang. The prehistoric songs impacted positively in the history of Japan because they are the first chronicles of the new state. These songs also became the tradition of imperial counts.Many musical and poetic verses and images have influenced the development of modern music and have been incorporated in the present music styles; this gives a reflection of the history of Japan. The musical and poetic verses and images keep the past about the state in details and recurrences in their use helps in transferring of the historic moments of the country from one generation to another. This helps in historical socialization of individuals who are born in Japan.Music helps express the past activities of the state of Japan. It was central in the prose work in the ancient Japan. This was through the dances that rose by the influence of music tones and rhythm. The dances of Gagaku, flute, koto and biwa lute run through the background of the classical novel which gave the story of Genji Monogatari which was based on a great lover in the imperial. This shows that music led to those dances that passed information in a different context.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Money should be the primary consideration in the selection of one’s career Essay Example for Free

Money should be the primary consideration in the selection of one’s career Essay Young people generally start thinking about their future career when they are still at school, by making the right choice of subjects to study. What the financial package of their dream career is may not be important at that stage, but it certainly becomes a relevant consideration later on. However, how important this consideration is varies from one person to another. On the one hand, financial gain is definitely a factor one should consider when choosing a career. There is no denying that the salary is one of the top priorities when people start looking for a job. Most people start to take on the responsibility for the cost of living when they leave school, and it is of great importance to find a job with a higher salary, even though working hours might be longer than in other occupations. Moreover, these positions may have numerous potentials, such as a chance for promotion, training opportunity, a good work environment, and reputation. Having money also helps one gain his independence, for instance, maintaining a family, buying a house, paying rent, travelling around the world. Money is also necessary to buy basic utilities such as food and water, and it also aids to secure your home from theft. On the other hand, many people do not, and should not, focus on this factor as the main one. Salaries should not be the most important factor in choosing a career. People may neglect many other things that are worth to pursue in ones life if they consider money to be the most important factor in choosing a career. In fact, many people choose to fulfil their life goals and give up the job opportunity with the highest salary. For one thing, being engaged with the job you love can let you work in a pleasurable atmosphere in order to enhance your work efficiency. People can gain more satisfaction once they achieve their goals. Not only that, but focusing primarily on money when selecting a career ignores the concept that making money is not the reason most of us get jobs, but rather a means of obtaining material goods and services and of achieving important goals, such as providing security for oneself and one’s family, lifelong learning, freedom to travel or to pursue hobbies. Acknowledging the distinction, one may select a career on the basis of money, since more money can buy more goods and services as well as the security, freedom, and time to enjoy them. It does not mean that everybody should regard it as the most important factor in life. After all, money is just a way satisfy our basic life needs. All in all, I think the best career choice is the combination of personal interests and financial benefits. If people choose a career that they do not like, they may be impatient when they are at work. Only in doing what they like or have interests in, can people improve their working productivity and performance.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Brain-Behavior and Nature-Nurture: Two Interacting Scientific Debates E

Brain-Behavior and Nature-Nurture: Two Interacting Scientific Debates Whether there is more behind human behavior than can be explained solely by neural phenomena has been the subject of much time-worn scientific and philosophical debate. In regards to this question, two primary classes of alternative explanations come to mind: the human soul and the environment. The former of these involves a possible internal, individualistic force guiding behavior beyond the guides provided by the brain; many feel that the topic of the human soul is best left in the realm of the philosophical. Environmental influences on behavior, however, are quite pertinent to scientific investigations into the brain/behavior dichotomy. Whether and to what extent one’s environment effects one’s behavior, personality, even destiny is embodied by the widely publicized and highly politicized nature-nurture debate. Generally, those factors thought to come from nature are those that are inherited, and those thought to be nurture-bred are inculturated. It seems, then, that a discussion of neural control of behavior necessarily involves this nature-nurture question; the interplay between inherited brain structure and inculturated experience offers insight into the roots of behavior. Vitalists and reductionists, empiricists and situationists, geneticists and sociologists all have something different to say about the degree to which the human genome specifies human traits. Many of these traits are behavioral, thus, these people also have much to say about the role of the brain in guiding behavior. It is estimated that sixty percent of human genes are dedicated to neurological development (5). This is an immense amount of genetic material, and, particularly du... ... still be subject to biased interpretations of which we are capable as human-mammals. â€Å"Our concepts of reality will always be shaped by our genetically-inherited mental models† (3). Subjecting myself to biased interpretations, though, I feel that an individual drawing breath each day in the context of many, nestled environments much akin to the Bronfenbrenner ecological systems theory **, behaves ultimately because of the brain and the genes from which it originates. WWW Sources 1) Compton’s Encyclopedia 2) The Eye of the Frog 3) Sociobiology page 4) Of Mice and Men 5)Pro-nurture

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Slaughterhouse Industry Essay -- essays research papers

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Industry Study Project Description A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Basic Project Information B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Project Location C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Project Rationale D.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alternative E.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Description of Project Phases F.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Baseline Environment Condition G.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Impact Assessment and Mitigation H.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Environment Management Plan I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Proposal for an Environmental Monitoring and Guarantee Fund Attachment of Annexes A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Photos or Plates of Proposed Project B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Impact Areas, Affected and Communities C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Maps of the following Scale D.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Permit to Operate Certificate E.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  E. Result of Physical and Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastewater PROJECT DESCRIPTION Davao City slaughterhouse is located at Ma-a, Davao City. The operations are limited to the night shift. The delivery of animals will start at 1:00 to 4:30 in the afternoon. The whole morning will be utilized for cleaning the area. The 2nd shift will start at 9:00 in the evening up to 5:30 in the morning. It employs 48 workers of which 25 are regulars and 23 are contractual. This contractual will do the maintenance and the manual slaughtering of animals. Currently the number of hogs, cattles and other animals slaughtered are as follows Hogs   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   200 to 250 heads Cattle  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   30 to 40 heads Chicken  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   none ( chicken slaughterhouse is out of order) Goat  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   20 to 25 heads The number of heads slaughtered everyday does not level of with the number of kilos meat sold in the public market. In short there are hogs and cattle slaughtered privately. The following are the charges per head for the service rendered: Hogs  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  P91.11 per head Cattle&nbs... ...ication Plan †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Organize and conduct information, education and communication ( IEC ) activities on integrated Solid Waste Management Program such as recycling, Re-use, composting, sanitation, proper collection and disposal of solid. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Properly brief or orient the Project Administrator and beneficiaries about the EEC conditions, commitment and agreements made about the project. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Support continuing government efforts to promote environmental sound Slaughter House project. I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Proposal for an Environmental Monitoring and Guarantee Fund A slaughterhouse of this size requires regular environmental monitoring. To do this, it has to undergo environmental impact assessment to determine whether there is violation of the mitigating measures. To achieve this, a respectable budget should be included in the maintenance and operating cost to answer for many defects that may result to environmental disaster, this budget should be on regular basis to include hiring in contractual basis environmental engineer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Friday, October 11, 2019

Aryabhata I and How He Influenced Math Essay

Aryabhata I was born in Kerala, India, but moved to Kusumapura early in life. His contribution to mathematics and science is vast, from approximating Pi better than anyone in his time period to deducing the Earth is round. He had many scientific and mathematic discoveries, which he wrote about in his book, the Aryabhatiya. He declared that the Earth rotates on its own axis and used logic to determine that this is what created night and day. (Jain) Part of Aryabhata’s fame was brought by his debunking myths of both religious and general varieties. Instead of the previously believed â€Å"fact† distributed by the Hindu priests that it was a demon’s head named Rahu swallowing the sun and moon, Aryabhata proved them wrong by driving the theory that eclipses happen because of the shadow given off by the earth and moon in place of the Hindu myth. Another myth he disproved by declaration was the thought that the moon gave off its own light, giving it the glow that dominated the night sky. In 499 A.D., at age 23, he wrote Aryabhatiya, which would be known as his famous astronomical opus. As a result of his paper, the Gupta dynasty ruler, Buddhagupta, gave him the title of Head of the Nalanda University to recognize his intellect (Kumar). Later, it is believed that he wrote another book, called the Aryabhata-siddhanta, but it is now lost (Jain). The book is split into three parts: the Ganita, which translates to Ma thematics; the Kala-Kriya, which contains Time Calculations; and the Gola, which is mainly sphere mathematics. The Ganita is astonishing because of its lack of proof concerning the 66 rules it provides (â€Å"Aryabhata I†). Aryabhata’s mind is also the basis of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. He created the equation for finding the circumference of a circle using the radius instead of the diameter, like the Greeks used. For  this equation, C = 2Ï€r2, he had to have a close value for Ï€, which he successfully approximated somehow, and shared his discovery in Aryabhatiya: â€Å"’Add four to one hundred, multiply by eight and then add sixty-two thousand. The result is approximately the circumference of a circle of diameter twenty thousand. By this rule the relation of the circumference to diameter is given.’ In other words, n = 62382/20000 = 3.1416, correct to four rounded-off decimal places† (Jacobs). The advancements on finding the numerical value of Ï€ have dramatically increased since then, having calculated numbers on the upside of 5 trillion. His contributions to the mathematical world are still vast, and his discoveries are the foundation for modern algebr a and through that, most of math overall. Aryabhata I calculated the length of a sidereal rotation and year in his book as well. As for the sidereal rotation, he used the stars to determine that the time per day was 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.1 seconds. The present value is 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.091 seconds. For the sidereal year, he found it to be 365 days, 6 hours, 12 minutes, and 30 seconds, when the modern calculation is a mere 3 minutes and 20 seconds less than Aryabhata’s value. Aryabhata also impacted Trigonometry by his definitions of sine (jya), cosine (kojya), versine (utkrama-jya), and inverse sine (otkram jya). â€Å"He was the first to specify sine and versine (1-cos x) tables, in 3.75 ° intervals from 0 ° to 90 °, to an accuracy of 4 decimal places† (Kumar). The modern names â€Å"sine† and â€Å"cosine† are also believed to be mistranslations of the words introduced by Aryabhata, Jya and Kojya. In the field of Algebra, he provided results for the summation of series of squares: He did not disappoint the series of cubes: As for remembering the great Aryabhata, he has many colleges named after him, such as the Aryabhata Knowledge University in Bihar and the Aryabhata Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIOS) near Nainital, India. India’s first satellite also shared his name. (Kumar) Works Cited â€Å"Aryabhata I.† Medieval History., 2014. Web. 27 Apr. 2014. . Jacobs, James Q. â€Å"The Àryabhatà ­ya of Àryabhata.† The Àryabhatà ­ya of Àryabhata by J. Q. Jacobs. J.Q. Jacobs, 1997. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. . Jain, Ankur. â€Å"Aryabhatta Biography.† Aryabhatta Scientists | Biography. Study Helpline, 2011. Web. 27 Apr. 2014. . Kumar, Amit. â€Å"Aryabhatta- The Great Indian Mathematician.† The Braves and Smarts. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. . O’Connor, J.J., and E.F. Robertson. â€Å"Aryabhata the Elder.† School of Mathematics and Statistics University of St. Andrews, Scotland. Nov. 2000. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. .

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Death Penalty in the State of Kansas

The Death Penalty issue has been a grave controversy especially in our contemporary society, not only in U.S. but also in Europe.   Unfortunately, resolving the issue is very difficult due to the complexity of the judicial system in the U.S.   State judicial systems must deal with the constitutionality of the state laws as well as their proper applic.   In addition, popular opinion is also a powerful force that may bring about changes on either whether death penalty exists at all or what weight death penalty should have versus life imprisonment without parole. These opinions may be based on religious beliefs, on human rights, on the magnitude of violence of the crimes committed, and the popular need to feel safe from violent assaults, non-homicidal and homicidal rapists, as well as violent homicidal offenders.   Other questions remain: what is the value of deterrence of the death penalty type of sentence?   What is the cost of inmates on death row?   Inmates stay on death row for a while, mainly because most of the times, they are appealing their sentence or waiting for a pardon from the state governor or even the President.   Since Kansas has reestablished the death penalty, these concerns have been of primary interest to the Kansas judicial system and the state residents. Twenty-nine years after the last execution, the state of Kansas reestablished the death penalty sentence in 1994, under SB (Senate Bill) 473 and HB (House Bill) 2578.   SB 473 states that the death penalty is restored in Kansas for first degree murders whereas HB 2578 simply authorizes the death penalty to be reenacted.   Interestingly, in an annual survey of college students across the U.S., students were asked whether they were in favor of death penalty.   In 1969, this survey reported 54% of the students in favor of the abolition of the death sentence, in 1985, it was down to 27%, in 1989 21%, and in 1995 20%. (Bedau, 85) The percentage in 1995 was the lowest and seemed to reflect a trend in young people’s general acceptance of death penalty; remember that Kansas reenacted the sentence in 1994!   Is it a coincidence?   Evidently, popular demands and trends are taken into account in state legislatures; that is the principle of democracy.   The Gallup News service reported on June 1st 2006 that back in 1994, 65% of the entire population of the U.S. favored life without parole whereas in 2006, 80% favored life without parole. Further, they also reported that in 2006, 47% were for the death penalty while 48% were for life without parole. (Newport, Gallup)   Consequently, based on these data, the attitude the American people has gradually changed to favoring life without parole with a 50/50 division over the choice between life without parole and death penalty.   The examination here is that the legality of death penalty is always measured against contemporary standards of morality.   Therefore, the trend that has been observed in the past few years shows that more and more people do not support the death penalty, illustrating a change of views.   (Bedau, 90) Kansas law allows for death penalty but also for life without parole.   According to the 2005 Kansas Death Penalty Guide, the exact description of the crimes punishable by death in Kansas is given in the KSA 21-3439 reenactment as capital murder with 8 aggravating circumstances.   Death is given by lethal injection.   For a life sentence in Kansas, persons who are guilty of capital murder will be jailed for 25-50 years.   The sentence must be served entirely before the individual can be eligible for parole.   There is no good behavior credit. (Kansas, 1) Carlson and Garrett (Carlson, Garrett, 5) give the 3 major sanctions available in the U.S. judicial system, economic penalties, probation, and incarceration, as well as the 4 primary goals of incarceration, deterrence, incapacitation, retribution, and rehabilitation.   The following remarks summarize briefly the position of supporters or opponents of death penalty, respectively.   The death penalty sentence is viewed as a way to deter other criminals from committing crimes, incapacitating the criminal on death row who will pay a retribution for his crimes by his or her death. If someone is on death row, there is a feeling that he or she will not be able to be rehabilitated.   As for life without parole, the long-term incarceration will serve as deterrent for the criminal and others outside; it will incapacitate the criminal while the long sentence without any credit is considered a retribution for the crime.   In this case, there is a feeling that the criminal will be able to be rehabilitated if he or she lives longer than the sentence. (Bedau, 127) This is the basic controversy of death versus life imprisonment. For any death penalty case, that includes Kansas, there is a diversity of factors to be considered to decide whether or not capital cases are pursued.   There are factors that differ for every case, for every state, for every crime committed, and for every inmate whose past may not have been exemplary. (Cassell, Bedau, 118)   In addition, jurors and prosecutors must be sure that death penalty can be applied in the case they are working on. However, the decision process for any juror is still subjective because his or her decision is still dependent upon the strength of the prosecution’s arguments as well as evidence, the degree of certainty that the person is not innocent, the legal defense’s arguments and evidence if any, and the crime committed against the victim and the family.   The judge must follow the case tightly and apply the law in a correct fashion.   However, the interpretation of the law can also be subjective.   Each capital case trial is very hard to go through because it entails numerous problems that can take time to sort out with respect to state laws versus the U.S. Constitution. (Bedau, 183) Interpretation of the law in Kansas has been a source of contentions among supporters for sentencing to death, opponents, and the judicial system.   The main debate is centered on the constitutionality of death penalty and the interpretation of the Constitution.   To concretely illustrate the dispute and its complexity, the case of Kansas vs. Marsh needs to be considered.   The case is the following.   In 1996, Michael Marsh broke into the home of a family with a 19 month-old baby. His goal was to get money to take a trip to Alaska by kidnapping the mother and the child in order to ask for a ransom from the husband and father.   Unfortunately, events turned awful when Marsh panicked, killing the mother by shooting her 3 times in the head, stabbing her twice, and doused her with lighter fluid.   He then set the body on fire, ran away, leaving the baby inside to burn to death.   The mother survived for 6 days in the hospital and died of multiple organ failures.   Marsh was charged with capital murder, first-degree premeditated murder, aggravated arson, and aggravated burglary. A Kansas jury found him guilty on all counts and sentenced him to death for the capital murder of the child.   Marsh appealed his sentence to the Kansas Supreme Court.   The Court found that the Kansas death penalty statute was in fact unconstitutional because in Kansas, there is no â€Å"fundamental fairness† rule.   What this means is that if a criminal is sentenced to death while the aggravating factors of the prosecution equal the mitigating factors of the defense, then by fundamental fairness, the death sentence is nullified.   However, in Kansas, the fundamental fairness rule does not exist. In Marsh’s case, the aggravating factors equaled the mitigating factors as determined by the jury and caused the verdict to stand, based on the jury instructions from the Kansas statute,.   So, the basic question is: is the Kansas death penalty statute upheld when aggravating factors equal mitigating factors and if it is upheld, is it a violation of the Constitution?   The State of Kansas took the case to the U.S Supreme Court in December 1995.   The Supreme Court determined that the statute permits death sentences in the event of a tie between aggravating and mitigating factors. (Mandery, 124) However, the key lies with who has the final burden of proof for outweighing the factors. As a comparison, when there is tie, the death penalty statute in Arizona allows the defendant to reply that the mitigating factors outweigh the aggravating ones and prove it against the prosecution aggravating proof.   In Kansas, the burden is still on the prosecution without any additional actions from the defendant.   Since the prosecution did not prove the mitigating factors outweighed the aggravating factors, the death sentence was overturned.   Justice Souter commented on what he called the â€Å"morally absurd† Kansas death penalty statute that permits a death sentence even if the prosecution has failed to prove that the aggravating factors outweigh the mitigating factors, accusing Kansas law to increase the incidence of death penalty sentences. Justice Scalia wrote a document on his opinion of the case.   Dealing with Justice Souter’s comments, he shamed Souter’s view as regarding the death penalty as â€Å"an undesirable situation.†Ã‚   Additionally, he also pointed out that, even if some of his colleagues disagree with the idea of a death penalty, 38 states do impose the penalty while scrutinizing the verdicts for wrongful executions, implying that death penalty sentences are properly assigned.   Souter’s point was that death penalty is serious enough that it should be reviewed. (Campbell, Star-Telegram) As one can see in the above case, many steps had to be completed to get to the final decision.   So, a very safe assumption is that this trial and associated inmate expenses must have been very high.   One of the chief complaints that Kansas opponents of death penalty have, besides moral or religious reasons, is the cost of the procedures.   They claim that death row cases cost a lot more than life without parole cases.   The money that would be saved should be spent on crime prevention. (Bedau, 91)   Gottfried reports that on average $20,000 is spent on life without parole inmates/year, a third less than for capital cases. (Gottfried, 2002) Kansas is not the only state that reestablished death penalty.   However, it was done in 1994, at a time when many Americans supported capital punishment.   It seems true that support or opposition to the death penalty is a reflection of the contemporary morality views of the public.   It does not look like people support it now.   The U.S. Supreme court seems to agree that this type of punishment should be reviewed, revised or completely eliminated based on moral and legal grounds.   Yet, abolishing death penalty in Kansas because it costs too much is not a very serious and moral reason to do it.   The problem really resides in the application of the laws.   Death penalty may be a way to punish violent criminals but nobody knows how to properly justify using it. Works Cited Bedau HA. The Death Penalty in America: Current Controversies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. Newport F. (editor) Gallup News Service. â€Å"Death Penalty†. The Gallup Polls Briefing June 1 2006. â€Å"2005 Kansas Death Penalty Guide† Amnesty International USA Kansas State University, Chapter 254 January 10, 2004: 1. November 18, 2006 Carlson PM, Garrett JS. Prison and Jail Administration: Practice and Theories. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1999. Chassell PG, Bedau HA. Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment?. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Mandery EJ. Capital Punishment: A Balanced Examination . Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2005. Campbell L. (editor) â€Å"Sounds Like A Sore Winner from Here.† Star-Telegram June 29 2006. Gottfried T. The Death Penalty: Justice or Legalized Murder? Twenty First Century Books, 2002.